Wilderness Rendezvous Challenge

Registration closes August 15, 2025!

The Wilderness Rendezvous Scout Camp is proud to introduce the 6th Annual Wilderness Rendezvous Challenge! Come and join the over 2000 previous participants in exploring all of Canada’s amazing places!

The objective of the challenge is to encourage everyone to get outside and get active. Check out the information below to get registered and start your adventure.

Who: The challenge is open to all registered members of Scouts Canada and their families. Grab your sneakers, grab your pet, grab your water and get active!

What: Hike 25 km or or up your game and Hike, Canoe, Kayak or Mountain Bike 50km! Hikes should be no less than 2 kms and Canoe, Kayaking and Biking trips should be no less than 5 km. We have added some new modes of exploration to push your adventure into new areas!

Where: Anywhere!! City, Regional, Provincial, or National Parks. We want you to explore and experience new areas but go wherever you can in a safe and fun environment.

When: You must complete the challenge between June 1st and September 30th, 2025.

Why? Bragging rights! Health and Fitness! Quality Family Time! And best of all, a fabulous commemorative badge!

Last year’s Badge!

How to Participate: Register by sending $5.00 per participant (to help offset the cost of the badge and postage) via e-transfer and your registration form to: [email protected]. Registration closes August 15, 2025. Once paid and registered, keep a log of your travels. Include a few notes (if possible) about the location and length of the adventure, maps, photos or sketches, the weather, dates, etc. Include a few sentences describing what it was like and what happened. Once the challenge is completed, please send your hike log and any sketches, pictures or information you would like included to: [email protected].

Proceeds from the challenge go to supporting the Wilderness Rendezvous Memorial Scholarship fund.

Social Media: Follow us on Facebook at Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge and look for the hashtag #WildernessRendezvousChallenge on Twitter and Instagram! Share your photos using that hashtag!

**Please note: We would like to post pictures of our adventures to our Wilderness Rendezvous social media sites. If you do not want these images to be used on our social media sites, please do not send them in. Any images sent into the challenge may be published to our social media sites.


Register online now!
Registration Form

As you complete your adventures, you can log them online!

Adventure Log

For more information or if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, send an email to: [email protected]


Get out and start exploring!