Scouter Information
Wilderness Rendezvous is an amazing experience for Scouters too! You will get to see your youth grow and develop over the 9 days, explore an incredible provincial park, and make friendships that will last years.
Preparing your youth for a great camp experience does require some work, but we have prepared a series of forms and information packages to help you. You can also reach out to the camp staff via our email or phone number if you have any questions.
Registration Deadline | Camp Fee /person | Park Fee /person | Optional Meal Plan /person | Total /person |
On or before May 1st, 2024 | $125.00 | $25.00 | $200.00 (All meals) | $350.00 |
After May 1st, 2024 | $150.00 | $25.00 | $200.00 (All meals) | $375.00 |
Note: The Participant Meal Plan is highly recommended. Without it, troops must be self-sufficient.
Attending Camp
Youth do not attend camp alone, they come as a troop and thus require Scouters to attend as well. If your troop is small, you will share a sub-camp with one or more other troops.
Registration Package
Each troop attending will need to supply the following:
– Adventure Application (One per Troop)
– T-Shirt and Hat Form (One per Troop)
For each participant (Youth and Adult) the following is required:
– Application Form (part of the Brochure Package)
– Additional Medical / Allergy Information Form (part of the Brochure Package)
– Medical Form (Pulled from My Scouts)
– Camp Code of Conduct
– Parent/Guardian Consent Form
First time at Wilderness Rendezvous as a Scouter?
If you are attending camp for the first time, you must participate in the 1st Year Leader Hike. This is an overnight hike during which basic orienteering and other trail skills will be taught.
Standard and Wilderness First Aid.
Wilderness Rendezvous Scout Camp also provides Scouters with an opportunity for Standard and Wilderness First Aid Training. These courses are offered if there is significant interest and is determined on a year-to-year basis.
Lists, Forms, and Guides
Wilderness Rendezvous Scout Camp Brochure
Scouter General Information, including Troop Gear List
Information for 3rd Year Cubs attending
Map to Camp
Personal Gear List for Camp – Kit Program
Personal Gear List for Camp – Pioneer and 1st Year Program
Personal Gear List for Camp – 2nd Year to Sting
Standard and Wilderness First Aid Training Information
Registration Package
Adventure Application (Required 1 per troop)
WR Scout Camp Application and Medical Info Form
T-Shirt and Hat Form
Code of Conduct
Parent Guardian Consent Form
Hold Harmless (for non-members)